Individual Therapy
This involves one-to-one sessions with clients dealing with immediate or long-term personal issues.
Facilitation and Workshops
Working closely with health and safety, human resource and/or senior management teams Tomás develops discrete workshops and facilitation sessions to enable co-workers and team members to protect mental health, manage relationships, and recognise and cope with negative stress. Each session or programme is designed to meet specific groups’ or organisations’ needs.
In-service For Schools
With the introduction of Croke Park hours many schools are focusing on mental health issues in the school environment and school workplace. Pharos specialise in facilitating group sessions and inservice for schools around mental health issues and self care. Tomás can create a program specific to the needs and requirements of the school.

Tomás Morley
Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Pharos is owned by Tomás Morley, a counsellor and psychotherapist. His qualifications underpin significant experience with a wide range of clients on issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, and relationship management. Tomás has vast experience in relationship building, teaching, sports and management. Counsellors at Pharos take a common sense approach combined with best practice and proven academic methodology. All consultations are confidential.
You can contact Tomás by: